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 01.10.2021   Карта сайта     Language По-русски По-английски
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Электротехника и обработка материалов
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 ECerS and the Polish Ceramic Society are pleased to invite you to attend the joint ECerS XVII, ICC9 and Electroceramics XVIII Conferences that will be held from 10th to 14th July 2022 in Krakow, Poland.



We would very much like to invite all of you to a meeting that we hope will help to bring together the global ceramic community in one place and time.


By agreement between the European Ceramics Society, the International Ceramic Federation and the International Committee of Electroceramics, and with excellent international cooperation, it has been decided to combine three major conferences into one major conference: ECerS XVII, ICC9 and Electroceramics XVIII.


This joint Conference, entitled CERAMICS IN EUROPE 2022, will be held in Krakow, Poland, from 10th to 14th July 2022. A single registration fee will give access to all three conferences.

We truly hope that you will let this wonderful and ancient city with an old academic and scientific tradition become the background for an extremely fruitful meeting, which will give us all a much-needed boost for achieving progress again in our professional lives for the benefit of our world.


Let the Ceramists meet again in 2022 in Krakow!



Visit the conference website: Ceramicsineurope2022.org



Abstract Submission is now open for the following conference topics:


°    A - Synthesis of powders

°    B - Ceramic processing

°    C - Modelling, Simulation, characterization and digitalization of materials and processes

°    D - Structural ceramics / Ceramic coatings / Porous ceramics

°    E - Functional ceramics

°    F - Electronic Ceramics

°    G - Ceramics for energy and environmental technology / Membranes

°    H - Ceramics and glasses for healthcare, Bioceramics and Optical ceramics, Bio-Electroceramics

°    I  - HT materials / Refractories / Composites

°    J - Silicate/Traditional ceramics, Arts + Design

°    K - ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium

°    L - ICC9 Industrial and Educational Session


Check the Symposia Chairs and Organising Committees here.

Check the Abstract Submission Guidelines here.


Deadline for submission is 15th December.



Submit your Abstract Here!

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