Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to confirm that the ISSP-18 will be taking place in Tours, France on Sunday 15th – Friday 20th July 2018. Please visit our conference pages here:
Abstract submission is now available:
During your preregistration you could select 1 of the 4 available options:
1) Classical Oral;
2) Oral/Paper [Discussion Forums will be organised like any Faraday Discussion meeting];
3) Flash Presentation [Young Scientists];
4) Poster.
For more information please see:

Registration and Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Start of pre-registration and abstract submission: 27 July 2017
End of Oral abstract submission: 15 January 2018
End of Poster abstract submission: 15 February 2018
Notification about presentation (poster or talk): until 28 February 2018
Start of final registration: 1 October 2017
Early Bird Fee registration: until 30 March 2018
End of registration: 30 June 2018
The deadlines for the special “Discussion Forums” would be the following:
• end of October 2017 for abstracts (Oral/Paper option) with mid- to end of November 2017 for the decision of the acceptance
• end of January 2018 for the submission of full papers
• end of May 2018 for the end of the reviewing process.
Finally, do not miss the call for nomination of the Franzosini Award - ISSP18! See:
Do not hesitate to contact the ISSP-18 Chair of the Conference:
and to visit our webpage: