Dear Colleagues:
We are very happy to announce the “2017 International Conference on Advances in Nano Research (ICANR17)” to be held as a participating conference of ANBRE17 (2017 World Congress on Advances in Nano, Bio, Robotics and Energy) on August 28 - September 1, 2017, in Ilsan(Seoul), Korea. The congress venue is KINTEX(Korea International Exhibition & Convention Center).
Being one of the four participating conferences of ANBRE17, ICANR17 will provide with an excellent opportunity to look into the up-to-date developments in the allied fields which may give participants some good ideas for developing their own future research topics.
You are cordially invited to participate in this interesting event. Please refer to the themes of ICANR17 as given below:
- Molecular simulations
- Nano-biotechnology
- Nano catalysis
- Nano chemistry
- Nano composites
- Nano electronics
- Nano machines/devices |
- Nano materials
- Nano mechanics/fluidics
- Nano medicine
- Nano physics
- Nanoptics
- Nano systems
- Nano tubes
- Other energy related topics |
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Since the ICANR17 Conference will be held in close association with Techno-Press journals, in particular with the "Advances in Nano Research, An International Journal", you may submit the journal version paper for possible publication in the egular or special issue of the journal as well.
You are also invited to organize a Mini Symposium (or organized session) with 6-8 authors. Please complete this form and send us your proposal by email. For guidelines: [Mini Symposium Organizers] |
Deadline for Abstracts Submission is March 31, 2017 and the submission page is now open.
To submit your abstract: [Submission]
Please visit the ANBRE17 website for more details, and contact us for any inquiries (
If you can pass on the information about the conference to your colleagues who may be interested in, it will be greatly appreciated. [Brochure]
We hope to see you in Ilsan(Seoul) in August!
With best regards,
Prof. Chang-Koon Choi
Chair, ANBRE17 Congress
Professor Emeritus
KAIST, Korea |
Prof. Jeong-Yong Lee
Chair, ICANR17 Conference
Dept. of Materials Sci. Eng.
KAIST, Korea |