Cooperative photoinduced metastable phase
control in strained manganite films
Jingdi Zhang1,2*, Xuelian Tan3, Mengkun Liu1,4, S.W. Teitelbaum5, K.W. Post1, Feng Jin3,
K. A. Nelson5, D. N. Basov1,WenbinWu3,6 and R. D. Averitt1,2*
A major challenge in condensed-matter physics is active
control of quantum phases1,2. Dynamic control with pulsed electromagnetic
fields can overcome energetic barriers, enabling
access to transient or metastable states that are not thermally
accessible3–5. Here we demonstrate strain-engineered tuning
of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 into an emergent charge-ordered insulating
phase with extreme photo-susceptibility, where even a single
optical pulse can initiate a transition to a long-lived metastable
hidden metallic phase. Comprehensive single-shot pulsed
excitation measurements demonstrate that the transition is
cooperative and ultrafast, requiring a critical absorbed photon
density to activate local charge excitations that mediate
magnetic–lattice coupling that, in turn, stabilize the metallic
phase. These results reveal that strain engineering can tune
emergent functionality towards proximal macroscopic states to
enable dynamic ultrafast optical phase switching and control.