Laboratoire CRISMAT, UMR 6508 CNRS ENSICAEN, 6 bd Maréchal Juin, 14050 CAEN, France
Received 19 June 2013
Revised 27 August 2013
Accepted 28 August 2013
Available online 4 September 2013
The oxide CaBaCo4O7, which belongs to the “114” series of mixed valence cobaltites exhibits, with respect to the other members of the series exceptional properties, i.e. it is ferromagnetic, charge ordered and multiferroic.
However, we have noticed that very small amount of oxygen can enter into the lattice, which can not be easily detected, but can modify the physical properties. In this paper, we have highlighted the high sensitivity of magnetic properties of the said oxide to small deviation from stoichiometry.
The present investigation on two series of samples reveals that they can be synthesized at different conditions without seeing a noticeable change in structural properties, but their magnetic behaviour is dramatically different.