Jianhua Zhoua, b, ,
, Jianping Hea, Tao Wanga, Guoxian Lia, Yunxia Guoa, Jianqing Zhaoa and Yiou Maa
We propose and demonstrate a scheme to enhance microwave absorption property through mesoporous structure with high regularity. The mesostructured nanocomposites, embedding γ-Fe2O3 within carbon matrix, exhibit a strong and broadband attenuation of microwave in the frequency range of 0.5–18 GHz, mainly due to the better impedance matching. C-2Fe-900 exhibits strong absorption characteristics with an absorption peak of −32.0 dB at 6.4 GHz. The absorption peak intensity and position can be adjusted by changing the matching thickness of the coating. Reflection loss below −10 dB (i.e., absorption above 90%) is obtained in the frequency range of 1.9–10.7 GHz.
Graphical abstract
Mesostructured γ-Fe2O3/carbon nanocomposites exhibit a strong and broadband attenuation of microwave in the frequency range of 0.5–18 GHz, mainly due to the better impedance matching.