Direct and inverse magnetocaloric effects in A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite
A.M. Alieva, , , A.G. Gamzatova, , , A.B. Batdalova, V.S. Kalitkab and A.R. Kaulb
The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite has been studied by direct methods and by the specific heat measurements. Direct measurements of the MCE in low magnetic fields were performed using recently proposed modulation technique and by classic direct method in high fields. Direct and inverse MCE are observed at Curie and Neel points correspondingly. A value of the inverse MCE in the heating run is less than in the cooling regime. This effect can be attributed to competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. Indirectly estimated and direct MCE values considerably differ around first order AF transition.