Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at HERA
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ZEUS Collaboration, S. Chekanova, M. Derricka, S. Magilla, B. Musgravea, D. Nicholass1, a, J. Reponda, R. Yoshidaa, M.C.K. Mattinglyb, P. Antoniolic, G. Baric, L. Bellagambac, D. Boscherinic, A. Brunic, G. Brunic, F. Cindoloc, M. Corradic, G. Iacobuccic, A. Margottic, R. Naniac, A. Polinic, S. Antonellid, M. Basiled, M. Bindid, L. Cifarellid, A. Contind, S. De Pasquale4, d, G. Sartorellid, A. Zichichid, D. Bartsche, I. Brocke, H. Hartmanne, E. Hilgere, H.-P. Jakobe, M. Jüngste, A.E. Nuncio-Quiroze, E. Paule, U. Samsone, V. Schönberge, R. Shehzadie, M. Wlasenkoe, N.H. Brookf, G.P. Heathf, J.D. Morrisf, M. Kaurg, P. Kaur7, g, I. Singh7, g, M. Capuah, S. Fazioh, A. Mastroberardinoh, M. Schioppah, G. Susinnoh, E. Tassih, J.Y. Kimi, Z.A. Ibrahimj, F. Mohamad Idrisj, B. Kamaluddinj, W.A.T. Wan Abdullahj, Y. Ningk, Z. Renk, F. Sciullik, J. Chwastowskil, A. Eskreysl, J. Figiell, A. Galasl, K. Olkiewiczl, B. Pawlikl, P. Stopal, L. Zawiejskil, L. Adamczykm, T. Bołdm, I. Grabowska-Bołdm, D. Kisielewskam, J. Łukasik11, m, M. Przybycieńm, L. Suszyckim, A. Kotański13, n, W. Słomiński14, n, O. Behnkeo, J. Behro, U. Behrenso, C. Blohmo, K. Borraso, D. Boto, R. Ciesielskio, N. Coppolao, S. Fango, A. Geisero, P. Göttlicher15, o, J. Grebenyuko, I. Gregoro, T. Haas, o, , W. Haino, A. Hüttmanno, F. Januscheko, B. Kahleo, I.I. Katkov16, o, U. Klein17, o, U. Kötzo, H. Kowalskio, M. Lisovyio, E. Lobodzinskao, B. Löhro, R. Mankel18, o, I.-A. Melzer-Pellmanno, S. Miglioranzi19, o, A. Montanario, T. Namsooo, D. Notzo, A. Parentio, P. Roloffo, I. Rubinskyo, U. Schneeklotho, A. Spiridonov20, o, D. Szuba21, o, J. Szuba22, o, T. Theedto, J. Tomaszewska23, o, G. Wolfo, K. Wronao, A.G. Yagües-Molinao, C. Youngmano, W. Zeuner18, o, V. Drugakovp, W. Lohmannp, S. Schlenstedtp, G. Barbagliq, E. Galloq, P.G. Pelferr, A. Bambergers, D. Doburs, F. Karstenss, N.N. Vlasov24, s, P.J. Busseyt, A.T. Doylet, M. Forrestt, D.H. Saxont, I.O. Skillicornt, I. Gialas25, u, K. Papageorgiuu, U. Holmv, R. Klannerv, E. Lohrmannv, H. Perreyv, P. Schleperv, T. Schörner-Sadeniusv, J. Sztukv, H. Stadiev, M. Turcatov, C. Foudasw, C. Fryw, K.R. Longw, A.D. Tapperw, T. Matsumotox, K. Naganox, K. Tokushuku26, x, S. Yamadax, Y. Yamazaki27, x, A.N. Barakbaevy, E.G. Boosy, N.S. Pokrovskiyy, B.O. Zhautykovy, V. Aushev29, z, O. Bachynskaz, M. Borodinz, I. Kadenkoz, O. Kuprashz, V. Libovz, D. Lontkovskyiz, I. Makarenkoz, Iu. Sorokinz, A. Verbytskyiz, O. Volynetsz, M. Zolkoz, D. Sonaa, J. de Favereauab, K. Piotrzkowskiab, F. Barreiroac, C. Glasmanac, M. Jimenezac, J. del Pesoac, E. Ronac, J. Terrónac, C. Uribe-Estradaac, F. Corriveauad, J. Schwartzad, C. Zhouad, T. Tsurugaiae, A. Antonovaf, B.A. Dolgosheinaf, D. Gladkovaf, V. Sosnovtsevaf, A. Stifutkinaf, S. Suchkovaf, R.K. Dementievag, P.F. Ermolov35, ag, L.K. Gladilinag, Yu.A. Golubkovag, L.A. Kheinag, I.A. Korzhavinaag, V.A. Kuzminag, B.B. Levchenko36, ag, O.Yu. Lukinaag, A.S. Proskuryakovag,L.M. Shcheglovaag, D.S. Zotkinag, I. Abtah, A. Caldwellah, D. Kollarah, B. Reisertah, W.B. Schmidkeah, G. Grigorescuai, A. Keramidasai, E. Koffemanai, P. Kooijmanai, A. Pellegrinoai, H. Tieckeai, M. Vázquez19, ai, L. Wiggersai, N. Brümmeraj, B. Bylsmaaj, L.S. Durkinaj, A. Leeaj, T.Y. Lingaj, P.D. Allfreyak, M.A. Bellak, A.M. Cooper-Sarkarak, R.C.E. Devenishak, J. Ferrandoak, B. Fosterak, C. Gwenlan39, ak, K. Horton40, ak, K. Oliverak, A. Robertsonak, R. Walczakak, A. Bertolinal, F. Dal Corsoal, S. Dusinial, A. Longhinal, L. Stancoal, R. Brugneraam, R. Carlinam, A. Garfagniniam, S. Limentaniam, B.Y. Ohan, A. Ravalan, J.J. Whitmore41, an, Y. Igaao, G. D'Agostiniap, G. Mariniap, A. Nigroap, J.E. Cole42, aq, J.C. Hartaq, H. Abramowicz43, ar, R. Ingbirar, S. Kananovar, A. Levyar, A. Sternar, M. Kuzeas, J. Maedaas, R. Horiat, S. Kagawa45, at, N. Okazakiat, S. Shimizuat, T. Tawaraat, R. Hamatsuau, H. Kaji46, au, S. Kitamura47, au, O. Ota48, au, Y.D. Riau, M. Costaav, M.I. Ferreroav, V. Monacoav, R. Sacchiav, V. Solaav, A. Solanoav, M. Arneodoaw, M. Ruspaaw, S. Fourletov49, ax, J.F. Martinax, T.P. Stewartax, S.K. Boutle25, ay, J.M. Butterworthay, T.W. Jonesay, J.H. Loizidesay, M. Wing50, ay, B. Brzozowskaaz, J. Ciborowski51, az, G. Grzelakaz, P. Kulinskiaz, P. Łużniak52, az, J. Malka52, az, R.J. Nowakaz, J.M. Pawlakaz, W. Perlanski52, az, A.F. Żarneckiaz, M. Adamusba, P. Plucinski53, ba, Y. Eisenbergbb, D. Hochmanbb, U. Karshonbb, E. Brownsonbc, D.D. Reederbc, A.A. Savinbc, W.H. Smithbc, H. Wolfebc, S. Bhadrabd, C.D. Catterallbd, Y. Cuibd, G. Hartnerbd, S. Menarybd, U. Noorbd, J. Standagebd and J. Whytebd
aArgonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4815, USA2
bAndrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0380, USA
awUniversità del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, and INFN, Torino, Italy3
axDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A733
ayPhysics and Astronomy Department, University College London, London, United Kingdom6
azWarsaw University, Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw, Poland
baInstitute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland
bbDepartment of Particle Physics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel54
bcDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA2
bdDepartment of Physics, York University, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P333
Received 15 April 2009;
revised 16 October 2009;
accepted 19 October 2009.
Editor: L. Rolandi.
Available online 21 October 2009.
The reduced cross sections for ep deep inelastic scattering have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA at three different centre-of-mass energies, 318, 251 and 225 GeV. From the cross sections, measured double differentially in Bjorken x and the virtuality, Q2, the proton structure functions FL and F2 have been extracted in the region 5×10−4<x<0.007 and 20<Q2<130 GeV2.
Fig. 1. Detector-level distributions of the energy, , and polar angle, θe, of the scattered electron candidates within the HER, MER and LER data sets compared to the combined MC predictions (MC DIS + BG). The background only MC is labelled MC BG. The vertical dashed-line represents the cut. The θe distributions are shown for .