27.05.2009 | Карта сайта Language |
To try to understand how carbon is held in the material, Haselbach burnt samples of aged concrete and measured levels of the different gases given off. Her work suggests a significant amount of carbon in concrete is held in species other than calcite, although as yet, the exact mechanisms by which these are formed - and the full potential for CO2 absorption - are uncertain. Haselbach plans to carry out the tests at a broader spectrum of temperatures to gain more accurate measurements. According to Rod Jones, a civil engineer at the University of Dundee, the research is technically sound, but it doesn't solve the cement industry's colossal carbon problem. 'CO2 is important, there's no question. But we've always known that carbonation takes place and it's not the solution. You cannot sequestrate 100 per cent - it's just not possible,' he says. Haselbach argues that if the mechanisms of CO2 absorption in concrete were better understood, they could be accelerated in the phases of its life cycle when more surface area is exposed - such as when concrete is recycled after a building demolition. 'That's absolutely true,' says Jones. 'Recycled concrete aggregate does expose more surface area, because you're crushing it, obviously, but it's minimal. How many square kilometres of concrete rubble have you ever seen? We don't do that - it goes into a big stockpile and is used straight away.' Jones thinks the real solution to the problem lies in producing new forms of environmentally friendly, non-Portland cement. He says these should incorporate construction industry by-products such as fly ash and slag, which are available in large quantities. Hayley Birch
Interesting? Spread the word using the 'tools' menu on the left. ReferencesL Haselbach, J. Envir. Engrg., 2009. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000004