20.05.2009 | Карта сайта Language |
Originality disputed But Rudolf Zentel, professor of polymer chemistry at the University of Mainz, Germany, is unimpressed, highlighting that there are many well-known and easily made materials that show a photonic stop band. 'These all offer the potential to shift the stop band over the entire visible spectrum and to fix the desired stop band,' says Zentel. 'The authors demonstrate this is now possible in block copolymers, however, much more complex block copolymer structures have been stabilised by sol-gel chemistry. So this stabilisation of stop bands is not new,' Zentel asserts. Thomas, however, focuses on the technique and materials in hand. 'The clever thing is to know that this simple chemistry exists and that it will work in this environment in a methanol-swollen P2VP layer,' explains Thomas. 'Our main goal was to see how solid we can make this material. And that now means we can back off and explore quite a range of properties and applications in future work.' Others are positive about the work. Photonic crystal pioneer Eli Yablonovich at the University of California Los Angeles, US, says that 'this use of block copolymers is completely original and it's a very powerful chemical approach.' Yablonovich suggests this research illustrates the way forward for creating sensors, screens and electronic newspapers. Indeed, in another new study, Thomas and Kang and colleagues report making a prototype electronic screen that's only one micron thick.3 Using their block copolymer photonic gel combined with an electrochemical cell, the P2VP layer thickness - and therefore the colour - can be controlled with an electric charge. The photonic gel may also be a cheap and scalable material for use in photovoltaic cells, adds Thomas. James Urquhart
Interesting? Spread the word using the 'tools' menu on the left. References1. C Kang et al, JACS, 2009. DOI: 10.1021/ja9021478. 2. J Kang et al, Nature Materials, 2007, DOI: 10.1038/nmat2032 3. E L Thomas et al, Adv. Mater. 2009. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200900067