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V. Caignaert, a, , V. Pralonga, A. Maignana and B. Raveaua
aCRISMAT, UMR 6508, CNRS-ENSICAEN, Université de Caen, 14050 Caen, France
by D.D. Sarma.
Available online 4 January 2009.
A novel mixed valent cobaltite CaBaCo4O7 has been synthesized. Its structure, closely related to the LnBaCo4O7 oxides of the “114” series, differs from the latter by a large orthorhombic distortion, involving a buckling of the CoO4 tetrahedra of the kagome layers. Importantly, this new phase is ferrimagnetic with a TC=70 K and a very large coercive field of 2 T at 5 K, in contrast to LnBaCo4O7 oxides, which exhibit magnetic frustration.
Keywords: A. Magnetically ordered materials; C. Crystal structure and symmetry
PACS classification codes: 75.30.Cr; 75.50.Gg
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