Metallic nanoparticles on plasma treated carbon nanotubes: Nano2hybrids
C. Bittencourta, , , A. Feltena, B. Douharda, J.-F. Colomerb, G. Van Tendelooc, W. Drubed, J. Ghijsena and J.-J. Pireauxa
aLise, University of Namur, 61 Rue de Bruxelles, B-5000 Namur, Belgium bRMN, University of Namur, 61 Rue de Bruxelles, B-5000 Namur, Belgium cEMAT, University of Antwerp, 171 Groenenborgerlaan, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium dDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestrasse 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany
Available online 20 December 2006.
Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were decorated with metal clusters by thermal evaporation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that the nature and extent of metal coverage can be varied by plasma treating the MWCNT surface. The metal clusters on oxygen plasma treated arc-discharge MWCNTs have a more dense distribution than the clusters evaporated on as-synthesized arc-discharge MWCNTs. In contrast, the plasma treatment did not affect the cluster distribution on CVD MWCNTs. Analyses of the valence band and the core levels by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy suggest poor charge transfer between gold clusters and MWCNTs; on the contrary suggest good charge transfer between Ni clusters and MWCNTs.
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes; Metal clusters; XPS; TEM
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Surface Science Volume 601, Issue 13, 1 July 2007, Pages 2800-2804 International Conference on NANO-Structures Self-Assembling, International Conference on NANO-Structures Self-Assembling