29.12.2019 Dear Authors,
We would like to invite you to submit a paper (or papers) or to organize a special session
in our symposium on Energy, Environment and Climate Change: MACISE Energy, Environment,
and Climate Change 2020 within the context of the wider conference MACISE 2020
2nd International Symposium on Energy, Environment and Climate Change
as part of MACISE 2020. Madrid, Spain, Jan 18-20, 2020,
MACISE as well as all its symposia are indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, INSPEC
(IET), etc. Extended versions in ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex etc... indexed Journals
The proceedings will be published by the well-known IEEE Conference Publishing Services
(CPS) and will be indexed in the ISI Thomson's Scientific and Technical Proceedings,
ISTP/ISI Proceedings, EI's Engineering Information Index, EI Compendex, DBLP, ACM,
SCOPUS, Google Scholar as well submitted to the Data Bases IEEEXplore and CSDL.
* Extended versions will be published in various reputable journals (indexed in IET, ISI,
SCOPUS etc...)
https://www.macise.org/upload-your-paper.html, indicating that it is for the Symposium
on "Energy, Environment and Climate Change" until December 31, 2019
You can upload an Abstract and later you can upgrade the Abstract to a Full Paper.
The Peer Review is on the Full Paper at any case.
https://www.macise.org/upload-your-paper.html, indicating that it is for the Symposium
on Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
International Program Committee:
Prof. Bharat Doshi, John Hopkins University, Mayrland, USA
Prof. Gang Yao, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, USA
Prof. Lu Peng, Luisian State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Prof. Y. Baudoin, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. F.Rigas, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Prof. S. Sohrab, Northwestern University, IL, USA
Prof. A. Stamou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. A. I. Zouboulis, Dept. of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Prof. Z. A. Vale, ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Antonio Bernardino
de Almeida, Portugal
Prof. M. Heiermann, Dr., Department of Technology Assessment and Substance Flow, Potsdam,
Prof. I. Kazachkov, National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU KPI ), Kyiv, Ukraine
Prof. A. M.A. Kazim, UAE University, United Arab Emirates
Prof. A. Kurbatskiy, Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics, Russia
Prof. P. Lunghi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, University degli Studi di
Perugia, Italy
Prof. Fernando Alvarez, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Mark J. Perry, Professor of Finance and Business Economics, University of
Michigan-Flit, USA
Prof. Biswa Nath Datta, IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Research Professor, Northern Illinois
University, USA
Prof. Panos Pardalos, Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, USA
Prof. Gamal Elnagar, University of South Carolina Upstate,Spartanburg, SC, USA
Prof. Luis Tavares Rua, Cmte Guyubricht, 119. Conj. Jardim Costa do Sol. Atalaia, Brazil
Prof. Igor Kuzle, Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Maria do Rosario Alves Calado, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Prof. Gheorghe-Daniel Andreescu, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania
Prof. Morris Adelman, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, MIT, USA
Prof. Germano Lambert-Torres, Itajuba,MG, Brazil
Prof. Goricanec Darko, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Ze Santos, Rua A, 119. Conj. Jardim Costa do Sol, Brazil
Prof. Ehab Bayoumi, Chalmers University of Technology,Goteborg, Sweden
Prof. Robert L. Bishop, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, MIT, USA
Prof. Glenn Loury, Professor of Economics, Brown University, USA
Prof. Patricia Jota, Av. Amazonas 7675, BH, MG, Brazil
Prof. S. Ozdogan, Marmara University, Goztepe Campus, Kuyubasi, Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey
Environment and sustainable development
Sustainable management
Indoor Air Quality in Offices and Houses
Quality of water
Global change, climate and biodiversity
Sustainable marine ecosystems
Climate and global change
Advanced Marine research
Research on Natural hazards
Green Transportation
Green Buildings
Cleaner energy systems
Renewable energy Systems
Combined Heat and Power Systems
Combustion and gasification
Energy Storage
Materials Chemistry
Hydrogen energy production, storage and transmission
Fuel Cells
Biomass an Bio-energy
Wind energy and wind resources
Solar Energy Systems
Cogeneration Systems
Distributed generation systems
Energy conservation and generation
Distributed generation, embedded generation
Industrial Gas Turbines and Microturbines
Energy conservation in Industry
Economic and efficient energy systems
Socio-economic aspects of energy
Energy technology transfer
Oceanographic laser remote sensing
Applied thermodynamics and Eco-informatics
Thermodynamics of Ecosystems
Environmental management
Biodiversity and Climate Change
Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems
Cost reduction and less emission
Coasts and Seas
Sustainability indicators
Environmental risk
Recovery of damaged areas
Forestation and Climate Change
Science and the humanities
Soil and agricultural issues
Landscapes and Climate Change
The city of tomorrow and cultural heritage
Impact on society, the economy and employment
Sustainable Process Model
Strategic Management
Natural resources management
Feasibility Analysis
Refurbishment Investment Appraisal
Governance, urban design and cultural heritage
Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection
Nuclear Energy and Climate Change
Socio-economic and infrastructure issues
International strategy for energy, development and environment
Design and nature
Systems Theory for Environment and Ecosystems
Mathematical Biology and Climate Change
Simulation, Computational and Applied Mathematics for Energy, Environment, Development
and Ecosystems
Simulation, Computational and Applied Mathematics for Climate Change
Upload your paper or abstract with the standard IEEE format from here,
https://www.macise.org/upload-your-paper.html, indicating that it is for the Symposium
on Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
Plenary Speekers of the General Conference MACISE 2020
1) "Control properties of multiagent dynamical systems modelling brain
neural networks"
Professor Dr. Maria Isabel Garcia-Planas, Department of Mathematics at
the “Universitat
Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2) "Using the sequences of linear operators to approximate signals" by
Professor Dr. Octavian Agratini, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Babes –
Bolyai University and Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical
Analysis, Cluj - Napoca,
3) "Optimal Control and Observation of Efficient Motions in
Electromagnetic Actuators"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paolo Mercorelli, Institute of Product and Process
Innovation - PPI,
Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Lьneburg, Germany
http://www.macise.org macise.conf@gmail.com